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Hi There!

We don’t have anything awesome to announce, but we know status updates are an important part of any project.

Work is continuing even as I, personally (Abelius), am on family vacation. To be honest, I’m more like a ‘chauffeur’ for them, so I still have time to have my mind and hands on development.

In fact, you can still work on a game while sun tanning at the pool, you know… even more so when young bikini-clad giggling gals run past your deck chair. That place is an endless source of inspiration… :-D

Kuja, on his part, is working as always. He keeps sending me drawings at far more speed that I would ever hope to have time to implement. Yet again I’m the bottleneck in this endeavor. But it can’t be helped being the control bitch I am, so… :-/

Well, little more can be said. We hope you’re having a great summer.


한우 김

appreciated all your work, keep going!


Well enjoy your vacation then but don't fap yourself to death while observing the gals. :D


Hah fapping to death on a vacation isn't a bad way to go, but serious hope you get some piece of mind. Have fun 0.0! Thanks for the update.


Hey nothing wrong with a little 'unwinding' for inspiration and recharge ;) enjoy the vacation and thanks for the update...and it was not useless it lets us all know that the work is still going on ;)


I'd rather have a useless update than no update at all.


To be honest, working here is resulting harder than I expected, even with those 'perks' walking around. :-P Neck pain and Internet disconnections are a constant these days. I've taken my whole workstation with me, two screens included, but ergonomy is something that I'm missing from home. And my comfy office chair was something I couldn't fit in the car, I fear... :-D So, I must be clear with you guys and admit that I'm not producing at a very fast pace. :-( But yeah, we're on it although slower than expected.


Neck pain, blood pressure increasing internet, numb bum. Take a break Abe.