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Hey everyone! So unfortunately all of my social media (including Patreon) was hacked earlier this month, which meant that I was completely locked out on several platforms. However, thanks to the amazing Support teams, I've now managed to regain access to most of them, but because of the high levels of stress I suffered doing all of this, I have fallen way behind on this months Patreon package. I have therefore decided to go on hiatus for the rest of June. You will not be charged for this month and everything will resume as normal on July 1st. I'll include more info about the situation below for those that are interested. Thank you very much for your support. <3

On June 13 a hacker somehow got access to my personal email, that all my socials were connected to, which was all they needed to reset my passwords for Facebook, Instagram, DeviantArt and so on. And after they were done, they deleted my email account completely, so there was no way for me to undo what they did. The amount of stress and anxiety I felt over possibly losing everything I've worked so hard to build over the past 8 years, was enormous, and made it almost impossible for me to get any work done. Instead of just delivering fewer rewards than usual, I've decided to get things back on track by temporarily putting my Patreon on a break for the rest of June. This will allow me de-stress a bit and focus my attention on regaining access to the remaining accounts, that I'm still locked out of. I still don't know how they were able to hack me, but I promise you that I've now taken big steps to increase my security, in order to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.

And to those wondering what will happen with the June rewards. The Beach Day Naruto and Hinata painting and the rest of this month's poll winners, that was originally part of the June rewards, will now be part of the July rewards instead and be released on August 4th. I'm very sorry about the delay, since I know a lot of you are really eager to get your hands on the files, but I'm afraid this was the best solution I could find.

Thank you all for reading. Please let me know, if you have any questions. <3

- Zarory



That sucks man. No worries about the delay, we all understand. Good luck getting the rest of your accounts back


Sorry to hear about your misfortune! Hope it all works out OK going forward.


With everything going on right now I am sure this just added to an already stressful time. Take a little time to relax and catch your breath, get everything together, and then a little extra time.


So sorry about what happened. Take your time, this must have been an enormous stress, you deserve some time off instead of worrying about the monthly content on top of everything. I hope you will be able to get back all accesses you lost.


That is pretty insane and I wonder why they singled you out. Also, just FYI as someone who nearly went for a cyber security focus in university, make sure your important passwords are at least 14 characters long. That is the shortest length that cannot be feasibly brute forced by current cracker programs. :)


oh shit, because you tweeted this im changing all my passwords because I can't even imagine this stress of basically having your income and job widdled down like this. Im glad things are sorting out and hope you take some time to enjoy yourself and destress. Watch some youtube, play some games ! best of luck!


Thanks for the tip Sven! I've now updated all my passwords to 20+ characters, so I hope that will do the trick. &lt;3


Yes, please do! I definitely underestimated the skills of these hackers, so please make sure to take every measure you can, to keep your accounts safe! Nobody deserves to go through something like this.


Damn, that really sucks. At least you were quite succesful in recovering them so far! Take the rest you need. Personally I'd recommend getting a Password database like KeePass, it would allow you to have really strong individual passwords easily for any Websites and just having to remember one to access them all.


Hope all is okay on your side man. Keep your head up and power through 😉 We’ll excitedly be waiting for your return next month. Take the time to chill out and enjoy yourself &lt;3


Thank you for understanding, and thanks for the tip! &lt;3


I'm really sorry to hear that -- honestly some people have nothing better to do. Don't worry though, focus on getting things back to normal and trying to unwind from what's definitely someone trying to mess with your livelihood, and we'll all look forward to August =p Make sure to rest!!!


Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate it. &lt;3


Hope you get back on your feet soon, amazing how quickly things can get turned upside down from just a single point of entry. Glad you're making progress though and looking forward to seeing you back up and running here. I'm a very new patron but love your work and looking forward to more in future :)


Take care of yourself. We'll be here when you are healthy.

Sara Strait

Omg that’s so awful!!!! I’m so sorry that happened to you :(


omg I'm so sry that this happen to you, I can't imagen what was going on isnade ya :(


So sorry to hear the bad news. I’m one of your new fans.