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Ah. AH.

Sorry for the wait everyone!
This laptop I'm using isn't all that great and it take much longer to draw in general, it buffers a lot. 

Good news tho!
My BF only need a few more things to get delivered and we can start putting the new PC together, I'm so excited to show it to you guys! Hopefully we can get it up and running by mid March.

On to the comic tho!
Slowly but surely we're getting through all the penguins, up next is Rico!
Julien's about halfway through his prospective new boyfriends but from the way he's talking about it that night didn't end well lol

Page 6 is inked and ready for coloring, let's hope I can get through it at a decent pace!

Thank you everyone for being so patient and supportive, especially now!
It's killing me to have to work at such a slow pace and I'm excited to get back to drawing and more! 😘




Hey, great news! ^^ Putting together an all new PC is always exciting and you'll always know it's reliable. I've been sticking to my custom PC for a whole decade now with slight updates with the video card and processor. I do hope what you have coming in can make things super easier and fun for you in the future ^^ Amazing job on this page ^^ It's good to see it come along regardless of how long the delay is, and I'm always excited when you update us with a new page or even sketches. Once again, you've done another fantastic job on the expressions here, and I do love the way you gave a semi-anime "oh god, no" expression for him him highlighted his irises. It's very cute ^^ Please be safe, and always, everything you post is well worth the wait. You've made it clear you were having computer issues and I'm glad you were able to keep in touch with us when you could. :)


Ooooh that came out great Tsu :D I adore the colours in this page and all the lil highlight details. That panel 3 expression is amazing btw xD Also I'm happy to hear about the computer, it's really fun putting a PC together with someone!