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Not officially the first page of the comic project or even how I might color the thing lol

I was mostly playing around with a style and method of comic drawing by another artist that has inspired me a ton lately.
Their style is so loose and easy, there isn't any pressure to create smooth, clean lineart and coloring is also very simple.

It eases so much of my anxiety and tension that comes with making comics, I've been putting so much pressure on myself to make things perfect, from lineart to backgrounds to coloring and shading I have been stressing myself out!

And it's affected my output and motivation something awful.
So this sort of easy, free style is a weight off my shoulders. 

There is still a lot to do, like adding more to backgrounds and effects but it's so much easier and faster.

But for now this was just an experiment, so no worries!
I intend to go back into this having learned a few more things, keep an eye out for that. :>




Looking awesome Tsu, can't wait to see how the finished pages turn out! I'm so happy you are finding a process that works for you when making the comic ^^