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I'm not going to lie, motivation and enjoyment have been declining lately. I can only assume it's seasonal depression and, pretty much the mess the world is in right now catching up. My sleep is SO messed up rn. 😂

But I'm stupid and stubborn, I'm going to push through and try at least!

Ideas tho, that's harder.
I'm not really sure what to do this Halloween, what is a sexy costume that I haven't already done? Ah well, I decided to try Julien in that popular cat lingerie from a while back, I have those stockings, and they are cute to look at but the paw pads are make of a hard rubber, not comfy lol

That Julien dressed as Chi is so cursed, I appreciate Maxx being a sweetheart and telling me it's still cute but, I could do so much better I think. 😅

Full color pic for sure before the end of the month, than we can focus on holiday stuff. Either more Julien/Uncle AU or the ploy fam 😘




Well I think Chi-Julien is cute anyway Xp Just that face along with that long hair and robo ears is just really adorable to me. Though, I am sorry to hear that ideas just aren't coming to you at the moment and are having a hard time laying down costume ideas. I think the cat costume you've chosen looks really HOT on Julien, not to mention it adds a really adorable flair with that huge bell on his tail and that very cute feline pose. ^^ I definitely would love to see it finished. <3 I'm also greatly looking forward to more Julien/Uncle AU stuff as well as more new fascinating subjects you wish to tackle. As always, keep up the amazing work and stay safe, Tsu. :D