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Hello Patrons! I hope you're all having a lovely weekend.

The past week saw me finish the dialogue scenes on the ship which means that I'll move to the reunion scenes this week. I'm going to push the update to the end of Feb/beginning of March because I want to include more of the reunion but I'll have to see how much I can get done to find a good stopping point before updating the demo.

I'll be going through the responses from the beta tester form this week and contact chosen testers - quite a few were testers for previous versions of the game so that should be finalised by Friday.

In other, personal news, I've been successful in my job interview and have been made an offer for a new, permanent position within my current company. Long story short, my current position is a contracted position that will come to an end in July this year which meant no stable income after then so the new role will help me keep paying the bills without stressing. My new job will start on the 1st of March and the work hours differs in that I'll be working from 11AM - 7PM. This is super good news because my mornings will essentially now be free and instead of writing every evening after work, I can now write in the mornings while my brain is fresh and I'm not exhausted.

Thank you for all your support and patience 💖




Congrats on the new position! I’m sure whatever end point you choose for the demo it will be worth the wait.


Thanks Alex! It's good to know I won't be disappointing anyone with the stopping point 😊