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Hello everyone! With the development work of Research Pass: Elizabeth Carter wrapped up and launching around end of this month, we have started working on the last two passes before the 1.0 launch. With Steam still being vague about the fuckability of Galatea as the criteria changes from reviewer to reviewer - to some, even Yanshi's age is questionable - we decided to introduce characters who are not in such predicament first.

This LINK contains tidbits of the upcoming VR version we are currently working on. This is currently missing lots of polish to focus on the main functionality.

Due to the nature of the combat drill mode being a combination of PVE and asynchronous PVP combat, we sadly cannot ship it piece by piece like we did with the sex contents. However we have learned the lesson the hard way this year: don't delay indefinitely just because the work is not perfect. As soon as the combat drill mode enters a largely bug-free playable state we will push it to Steam for you to try out.


Designed By Citemer Liu


Designed By Pandea Work


Designed By 犬司机 and RyanReos 




Age on a fictional character.... please don't start with that bullshit. and more importantly don't let that bullshit delusion limit your team's creative vision.




We haven't seen a bug report on that. Can you submit a ticket on https://github.com/itsamewayu/OLFallenDoll/issues








How do I get the steam key?


Glad VR which I backed for is on the roadmap. If there is a need for playtest. do ask.

Caleb Janzen

Would it be possible to get the pov camera from the demo into the full game, I LOVED that feature!

Ventras Uzumakie

TLDR dont pledge ... sadly if u can read the comments its most likely to late take ur money back this has been lies uppon lies uppon lies and the fact that NEWS .... not goodys or some kind of benefits but NEWS just plain fucking NEWS are Patreon ONLY should open you EYES ..... news that are FREE on the Discord by the way if u havnt been banned years ago for basically critisicing the lack of communication from said discord because the mods are TOXIC as hell purposfully so its all strategy and con artistry HIDING PLAIN NEWS as Patreon only .... this is disgustingly desperate

Ventras Uzumakie

and the fact they say they cant implement anything because its Pve and PVP show SCREENSHOTS u shown us the halfbaked VR mod thingy ur so hard working on theres a Video for that WHERES THE COMBAT MODE VIDEO u cant implement it FINE but SHOW IT show ANYTHING .... because sry but u can show all the spicy scenes even a HALF BAKED render of an ork beast but u cant show ANY screenshots unreal snapshots video footage of development testing NOTHING man people wake up this is so bullshit


idk if you know anything about game development, but it can take quite a while to get a playable built you know? and besides you also paid for it? what are you crying about lol

Go T

Can we have anything with Gala? She's in her mid 20's by now, and needs to be replaced by a newer younger model


Well I understand why, but sadness. Yanshi and then Galatea were the 2 I was looking forward to the most as I prefer smaller chests. And the gothic look was cute on Galatea. Not sure why anyone would question Yanshi as she's young, but clearly not underage young. If you don't like her, don't play with her. It's not that hard. Do the same with the Dr. Anya as her chest is far too big for my tastes. And Steam needs to get off it's high horse, go look up "Light and Shadow - Doppelganger" on Steam. That small child in the 1st screenshot? Yeah there is a H-scenes with her. What the hell? She's not even single digits yet that trash is on there.

Ishii Go

Hella excited for JUZI


how can i get the 0.75 VR version?