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With Celia and Elizabeth's harem passes wrapped up this month, we are now half way done with our year 1 updates. The aforementioned two harem passes shall be launched alongside closed beta phase 2: Celia's harem pass available immediately after phase 2 starts this Christmas and Elizabeth Carter's harem pass added soon after.

Juzi and Yanshi's harem passes are planned to drop after the closed beta ends, but if we keep working at our current speed there's a high probability that you can get your hands on them before the game enters early access, which means that we will be releasing year 2 contents six months earlier than scheduled.

Now it's time we cast our eyes on what's to come:


Talon/Tactical Aviation Low Orbit Network










Kunitomo Group conducts its security and intelligence affairs through it's own counterintelligence office, Tokumubu/特務部.

Makami is rarely seen in the office - but when she is, it means all hell breaks loose and someone has to tie up the loose ends with utmost precision, ferocity and professionalism.



Junior to the player, Mina is an undergraduate at Miskatonic University, working in Dr.Anya's lab for her graduation thesis in cryobiology.

Mina is a considerate and kind-hearted girl, you came to know each other during her freshman orientation and she calls you senpai ever after. She chose Dr.Anya's research group partially because of you - after all, Dr.Anya doesn't have a convincing reputation for budget management, staying sober and keeping her lab assistants safe.


Sofie Van Der Graaf

Combat outfit concept



Casual outfit concept



Casual outfit concept


Celia/CELlular Industrial Automaton

Combat outfit



Emote Pack, download link below.



Ventras Uzumakie

People just pull out ur support already Its a scam theres better alternativees especially for VR users Like Koikatsu Pull out and screw this crap Its a scam And if its not a scam well pulling out should show them that patreons are important and shouldnt be neglected all the time whilst discord gets the news FOR FREE Theres so much wrong here that needs fixing and out only voice are our wallets close them And look how quick theres gonna be a response


Update from Discord:


There's going to be good news and there's going to be bad news, and I am fairly sure you all will expect the bad news. I won't sugarcoat it or cut around corners; Helius promised a mid-Jan release date, which we've kind of started setting on Jan 20th, AKA today. Considering you see this message, it's clear: we didn't reach the deadline. To the majority of you, this won't be surprising, but to say this doesn't pain all of us is a lie. The team's definitely been doing a lot of work, but the issue is the same as always, communication has not been transparent and definitely not consistent - with the biggest issue possibly being that it hasn't been to us as staff. We know a few tidbits more, which will follow later in this post, but specifics we do not have either. To recap a little; the team has been working on a rebuild based on the performance being lacklustre and the networking definitely needing improvement. Beyond this, steps have been made to work towards the first season pass and there's already a lot of work done toward the second and third. What's important is to remember that the team works parallel. The programmers, the animators, the modellers and the artists do not wait for one another, which means that the slowest 'group' - so to speak - is the issue at hand. This is sadly also the most important one, which is why the delay has stretched so innumerably long. The benefit of this is, that once this update hits, following updates should not take as long, because they're simple not dependent on this group, and the other groups have been able to get a hefty headstart. This still however leaves the big question; when is the release happening? Truth be told. I don't know. Staff's been making an active effort to poke and prod Helius to give us info, but Helius is going day and night working on this and this also means he's not really open for communication. A bad thing, agreed, but it is how it is. Based on experience, this definitely means there's a release quite close around the corner, but whether that is a few days, or God forbid a few weeks, I cannot say for certain. So, to summarise a few nice points to know that I am certain of: When the update hits, the following updates will definitely not be taking another year. The first update will feature Elizabeth and Celia The second update will feature Juzi and Yanshi An entirely new map will be available There will be more interactions with the environment and the players The amount of animations will more or less have doubled So that leaves another question; where's Galatea? So good news is she's for the most part done as far as I am aware, but because Steam has put special demands on her appearance, she will have to be verified on an animation by animation basis. This means the team's dependent on Steam's verification team to decide whether she will be available. The current estimate is probably between update one and two, but she'll be made available when she's verified to go. I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, yet which most of you expected to hear. I cannot stress how sorry I am to have to share this. Everyone knows programming as a whole comes with a lot of hurdles and issues, but it's hard to emphasise if they are not communicated. This is something the team is definitely aware of, but it simply hasn't been resolved. So, moving forward, staff will be doing their best to get images and videos that accurately display the game as it will be and will be sharing these to you throughout the following days as they become available. No, no concept art, the actual game. Furthermore, me and some of the other staff will be available in #fallen-doll-discussion from now until an undetermined time, depending on how tired we are etc. etc. As a general warning, we've held leniency toward sarcasm, toxic behaviour and overall disappointment for a long while, and while we understand your feelings and we agree with most of them, we are still humans. I'd like to remind you all we'd like to be treated as humans. Anyone showing unnecessary amounts of toxic behaviour will be dealt with without warning. It's entirely fair to voice your thoughts and disappointment, but do so respectfully. We're all adults, we know what this means


New update from Discord:


We have successfully booted the Patreon-Steam connector today, all player's in game progress up to yesterday (1/27/2023) have been synced to the phase 2 beta. The levels you gain after today will be lost, however. All your previous pledges have been converted into in game perks. You do not have to enter phase 2 with the identical Steam account as in phase 1, but once you connect your Patreon and Steam account in the game the binding will be irreversible, and if you use a different Steam account your levels in phase 1 cannot be carried over to phase 2. For players in countries such as Korea and Germany who cannot access the steam store page, we added a in-game store so you may acquire bundles and research passes without access to the storefront. Not sure if that would work as expected since we have run out of time to test it, but there's always the option to acquire such contents via Patreon pledges. I will keep you updated when exactly will phase 2 be launched for the public, likely in a couple of weeks.






Would love to see strip tease/dancing scenes.


????圣诞节到了 跑路了????


有沒有可能官方講錯了 ,是明年1月7日東正教聖誕節,反正我是不信,今天看起來是沒有更新了,作者連個聲明也不發


where is the fkg update?


hmmm am i wrong or is this game is not updated by year?


How do I access the new characters?