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It's becoming irritating trying to deal with the "why are you not making things" type of questions so I decided to release some harem mode footage in advance.

Should be pretty much self-explanatory. Dude do you seriously believe that we are sitting at home twiddling thumbs?  






super merci


🤣🤣🤣 well said. 👏👏👏




Fans always suck and life is more than work. I have no idea how it works but a game of this quality seems like an extraordinary amount of work so I just appreciate that someone is putting as much effort and quality into a game as this.


No most of us know you're giving it your best keep it up guys and by the way i like the way you're keeping in touch with us i never saw another devs team doing that well in that regard before 🙂


I honestly wouldn't worry about people bugging for updates, I back a number of patreon games and yours is one of the few that give consistent updates. Keep up the great work 💪


等待是一种美德 但消费者永远大多数是急切的 都要接受啦 继续前进






I have literally zero interest in harem mode. Multiplayer in these genres disgusts me personally, but I understand it's part of the package. Good luck and godspeed.


i honestly feel sorry for the lot of you, peopel dont seem to grasp that making new things for a game takes time, this aint a 1 time purchase game and you get everything, its a work in progress project, have some patiens you horndogs


Looks great


Keep it up and take your time. Also thank you for the discord server and keeping us up to date.

Alex Wu

I can already see the future of pornhub😏


There are just some people who don’t look at how much time it takes to actually develop things. I tried to do it and it is a overwhelming challenge. People just need to have patience and understand that these people are working on something great. Great things take time especially when you are trying to make every aspect of the game as realistic looking as possible. Thank you team and keep up the great work!!!


Too many people are impatient and want everything right now with zero regard for the effort put into whatever they are demanding. I for one think you’re all doing fantastic work, keep at your own pace to not burn out. Best of fortune to you all!


Bruh, maybe you guys wont see this. Just to let you know that I have full confident in believing you guys to complete the greatest erogame focused on positions and customizations


basically you gotta ignore people who are saying that to you guys. If anything, I'd say you could be fapping a lot but really, at some point you just can't fap anymore... lol


I know it's not easy for you guys to deal with them but please, please don't give a single damn to those lousy vocal minorities. Most of us want your team to keep your pace and don't let them get into your head. Great work and keep it up!


Keep going


It's already nice we can play some parts of the game, keep up the good work :)


This look so promising :) I know it's hard for you, but such little things are the best for us. Don't worry, you are doing awesome job! <3


ppl think that you just have to press a button to do 3D stuff , but it is obviously more complicated , i had to deal with such clients , changing everything at 1 week of the deadline... keep up the good work


Hi this is my first coment ever but i wanted to say this is going to be a great game and is obvious is going to take time to make it great so just ignore the bad coments and keep up with the good work 😃


Some people have no patience. Quick question as I'm not sure it's been asked. As this is an unreal engine based game will mods be supported?


Unreal has never been particularly friendly to mods as it is C++ based. Probably, but won't be anytime soon.


我觉得一部好的作品需要时间的打磨,毕竟大家都懂2077做成了什么样 :3


Ooohh noo... I hate those nagging dudes... I profundly believe on your work. Plz do not get frustrated at those unmannered people. For a good quality game, I will wait patiently.


Guys.......…remember.............2077 ......




You're doing great. Ignore the morons complaining, quality takes time.


I'm glad the devs are apparently working on my favorite sex move, the spinning wall slam


I know it will be rushed and totally a bad idea but i am kinda hoping for a build update. 😅


People are impatient lol, ignore them and continue making quality work. Those of us who trust you will continue to back you and be patient


People are so impatient, quick question do you have a rough eta on the release month


This is shaping up to be the best adult game on the market. It's AAA quality and adult games are far less marketable than l games rated M and below. Most adult games are passion projects. This thing is a behemoth among its peers. Chill out and quit expecting development to go as quickly as it does in much smaller, less ambitious projects.


Well we all are obviously. I'd rather wait for quality though than get something rushed


Stay the course. Most of your backers understand this is technical as fuck, and quality takes time.


Dude fuck these people. Keep doing what you've been doing. "Waaahhh I want new updates, waaaah"


Who is even pestering you guys, and why, obviously its being worked on we should all know this


I believe you are twiddling your thumbs....on keyboards and mice. Making us great things. Been a long time supporter, and I'll keep being one. Keep it up.


That location changing thingy kinda makes me want a pose where you just have Erika and Dreamer dancing and you drag them around the stage lol


you guys need to do something else other than spanking your meat all day. project helius has released an immense amount of content already. And if you find that not to be enough then get a girlfriend and fuck her you losers.


Most peoples were certainly thinking "How damn!" looking at the miniature All i could think off when i saw the two char spin was "Weeeeeeeh!!!"


The project will take whatever time it needs, people need to learn patience


I guess horny people are kinda impatient? Hopefully you folks are still enjoying your work


Looking good so far. Gotta shoot a stupid question, though: how many actors on screen at the same time are you aiming for? Because I think even high-end hardware might give up past 3.

Doc Suicide

Take your time. Cyberpunk 2077 showed us what happens when you rush things.


Especially in VR. I'm sure they've thought of that, but yeah, I am wondering what the solution is.


We're in the middle of a global pandemic and people want an escape and a way to feel better. I understand it's frustrating, but try not to take it personally; it's not you! You guys are doing an amazing job! Keep up the GREAT work!!!! (this is by far my favorite project of the last 6 years or so!).


Thanks for your hard work! Just share some info from time to time and people will calm down. Just as kind of "I'm still alive and working on stuff message".


I've never posted a comment before but I will now. I love supporting creators in Patreon that makes this kind of content. Sometimes my budget is a little thin and I have to cancel some memberships. There have been times when I could only afford to sponsor 1 creator, and that has always been you guys. It's not just that I really love your work but I also feel you guys are setting the bar the the highest quality game/simulator out there. I know this will sound stupid but I believe your work is important. I'm sure for every email complaining you have many more supporters like me that is just sitting back and enjoying all of your hard work. Thank you


Don't let the bastards grind you down - if this shit was easy we'd all be doing it.


Wait you guys aren’t twiddling you’re thumbs!?


Actually I thought you guys were getting shit done rather fast.

Nathaniel Grey

I don't think many of those people understand just how difficult quality animation is and how big of a change Harem mode actually is. You are doing great work. I do wish it was going faster because I love your product, but I want the quality I have grown accustomed to from you, so take the time to do it right. Keep up the great work, and I will keep supporting it.


People are paying for a product here without reading any of the posts to validate their purchase and then act surprised when a release takes a while. All of the information on future releases has been explained over the course of several posts. To me, it's hilarious, for you guys, it must be infuriating.


Keep up the good work fam. This is seriously the best Adult game i've every played. Production is astounding so far so im looking forward to more


i dont know what you where expecting, most of your supporters are impatient incels that want their toy now, that's why they cant get a girlfriends since they cant pleasure a lady and thus have to rely on porn. keep what you're doing dev you're doing great. anyway here's wonderwall.


The more I dig in to game making the more i realize how time consuming and tedious it is. and the current progress from system overhauling to MoCap progress especially in the pandemic environment is very impressive. don't let anyone rush it, do it at your own pace, keep us updated and deliver the best product you can afford is the best return for us patrons.


Please don't be discouraged they're the loud minority! Most of us such as myself just lurk here silently supporting you guys and never posts your work isn't going unappreciated I'm sure I can speak for most of us here that we understand game development is a lot of work. Thank you for all the hard work sweat and tears you've put into this game over the years I won't stop backing this project no matter what!


I had pledge to another page, and they dont get as much as you guys are doing... Granted you guys guys did what you guys could do and those other guys might be a smaller team/etc.


So, like I have learned over the years is that, if the devs DO more Updates More Frequently, that IS going to make things slower to get the real work Done.


Soo, is there actually footage of game play?

Nathan Phoenix

WHY ARE YOU TWIDDLING THUMBS!!! *heavy mouth frothing*






Personnaly i don't complain with the ruthm of update... You are the Dev Guys, as long as you keep deliver the quality work a like to see from you, do the thing at your rythm, that why i'm patreon on you among another. You guys made a great game with quality animation, that take time, a LOT of time, and i think that the most of us here know that, so don't worry to much, keep up the ggod work and take care of you with the "covid" thing, that all i/we want ^^


Hope developers may do more interactions with supporter such as posting more details of process reports, and continue doing excellent job like before.




This particular patron doesn't think for a moment that you're twiddling your thumbs. I think you're continuing to do things so we can twiddle the girls with our thumbs.


For this type of closer insights there is the Discord I guess (I don't follow it but have it somewhere)


Most of us know making games is hard and you guys are busting your asses. Keep up the amazing work and don't let the negative comments keep you down.


U guys are champs, just ignore the haters! 加油 期待下一次更新!


expecting the next release~




I'm just glad you're doing what you're doing.


Looks amazing!


Looks great. You guys keep doing what you are doing. Don't pay attention to the naysayers


Hi, I just showed up and snagged 0.34 VR, (says hotpatch2). Did I install everything with this? Not complaining, just making sure I've got all the files and understand the release structure as is. I ran through the animations, lots of those, and the diff avs and options etc, impressive so far. Probably the highest quality 3D in general I've seen in VR yet.


who else can't wait to give Galatea some slammin' in her swimsuit??


Very nice


If there is a certain footprint or bounding-box that an animation needs to satisfy for a position to be valid, show that footprint or bounding box. Otherwise, as we see in the animation, the player must randomly jiggle things around until it turns green with little to no feedback.


It baffles me its not a snap of the fingers plz take your time don't rush .


Wow.. way to insult all your patrons lmao. I love your attitude. You can never be criticized and you lash out at everyone giving you money. So glad I canceled my pledge. Sorry I gave you hundreds of USD though. Clearly a poor investment. If people are complaining so much that it's overwhelming you... Maybe that's a problem with you. Let me sum up your last year's work for you: - Galatea pledged over a year ago. Still not implemented. -promised to sell out to steam therefore censoring the whole game and forcing restructuring it. -releases are more buggy, poorly executed, and major problems. When people report bugs you just say "fix your pc it's bad." -constantly change plans and development strategy from month to month changing the whole roadmap of the game. First people invest in A, then you change it to B. -polls are touted as having influence but as someone who was a top tier pledge for a while none of my suggestions were ever even on offer. Let's face what's really going on here. You're talented and wonderfully creative 3d artists with a great gift for game design. But you're not good at business. You're struggling financially. And the constant effort to maintain the finances and the expenses is affecting the whole project to the point where it's going nowhere. And people are taking notice. I really wish this project could have succeeded. But it's clearly been drowning in failure all year. Another great promising project which ends in abandon.


sorry for being impatient, ur stuff is so awesome we just miss ur content, I know the new stuff will be worth the wait. thanks for the update.


I've definitely complained on here before but I also get this takes time. Nothing about any of this is easy. Its building everything from the ground up. People lash out cause we feel neglected for being part of it which makes it worse cause it just means the expectations rise for those who've put money in. When people don't hear news often it leaves them feeling like they are just being ignored and that outcry for this or that is being shoved to the side. tl;dr: You're doing great, keep it going. I'm feelin like a kid on christmas waiting for more monsters and positions. We love being kept in the loop even if things aren't going well so just update us as much as you can and we will always have your back.


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