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Hi, EroCondo team here.

We want to share some of the stuff we're working on.

Forget Spooky Night, this is Kooky Ball! Even though they're both Halloween events, Kooky Ball comes with a different theme and decorations.

Spooky Night 2021 is a witchcraft theme with purple curtains with stars, black cats, and pumpkins. 🧙🔮

 Kooky Ball 2022 is more of a graveyard theme with skulls and bones, undead, mist, and crows. 💀🪦

I hope you guys like it because we will change it every year to keep them fresh and new. 

Here's a sneak-peak of Sharkboi Wey. I feel like he's in every event, but it's fair since he's a staff of Ero Condo himself, he has to be there. 

Suplex is dressing as Elevate, a character in his favorite series: Strangers' Things.
Floating in a bathtub is totally his thing. This one comes with a unique effect of a can hanging in the air as well but we're unable to show that in this preview 😭

There's still 1 more outfit left but I think it's best to keep it as a surprise for the event's release. 😉

We just finish a new feature to help you guys recover the progress of the game when you lost the data or change phones. It will be available in the September22 version and forward. 

If you lost your data then, just send us an email at erocondo.project@gmail.com 

It won't take such time as it does now... not anymore. 

🎃For the old Spooky Night 2021 event room, you can now get it at https://gum.co/erocondo-spooky21
Thank you for supporting us.
Have a nice day and remember to stay safe.



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