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Hi, EroCondo team here.

We want to share some of the stuffs we're working on right now.

The fastest way to the Heart is through the Stomach 🍆 The feeding feature is done and will be available in July 2021 update
It's quite simple, you will be about to feed your Resident. They will give you back random Items in return after the feeding process finished. (You won't be able to go to their room in that time) 

🍌 Every Residents have different pool of drop on Items. Changing outfit for your resident could also change their Items drop-list too.
There's 2 type of Items: Veggies are the regular, and Animals are the rare one. 🦀

🍄Items will be used for leveling up Side Story in August 2021 update.
But you can start collecting them in July 2021 update for the head start cause collecting Items are much more harder than collecting Hearts. 

We're working on polishing the World Map (the street menu) including animated birds and vehicles to make it more lively. We have a new BGM for the game, we really like it so it'll replace the current BGM in the July 2021 update as well.

We have finished new Outfits for Da Thach, Wey and Bardo. All will be on July 2021. Here's so sneak-peak of the new outfit for Bardo. Hope you guys like it. 🦍
See you soon~

Thank you for supporting.
Have a nice day and remember to stay safe.



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