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Hey Patrons,

It's time for a long overdue update. First off, we apologize for not having any recent updates. A lot has happened recently and it's time to fill you all in.

Our lead programmer has been diagnosed with a form of epilepsy, and is no longer mentally capable of working with us. This came out of nowhere, and caught us all off guard. We hope he gets good treatment and can one day re-join us on our venture... but in the meantime, this last month has been figuring out how to continue.

Since we have been struggling to find a replacement, our updates and game development have fallen behind. Since we are behind, we have lost a lot of Patrons this month, and we are no longer making enough to support the team.

There is good news however! We aren't shutting down by any means, and we have great plans for the future! We have found a new full time coder who is absolutely awesome!

Our voice actress Little Squirtles has blown up recently! She has grown to the Top 1% of all OnlyFans creators! She reached out to us recently now that she has some extra funds haha! She wants to hire our VReleased team to create her own interactive VR experience! This is huge, because her project will fully support our team, even though our Patreon has dropped recently!

This means, although we will be working on two projects, we aren't in any danger of shutting down for a long ass time! Hooray!

Although we haven't gotten our new Little Squirtles VR project planned out, we will keep you all updated, and make sure our community gets exclusive content from the new project!

We want to sincerely thank all our Patrons who have stuck by us through this shitty situation! We are so sorry for the delay in build releases and new content. We hope you understand the situation, and bear with us for this new transition!

We love you guys!

-The VReleased Team



I have a LOT of health issues. So I understand. And I had no doubt that updates would return.


Thanks Marcus! You have been one of our longest most loyal patrons! We can’t tell you how much we appreciate it! Thanks for baring with us ✌🏻