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Hey Loyal Patrons!

After thoroughly researching each version of our Unity game engine, we have finally made the decision that it was time to make a huge upgrade. Now this upgrade broke our project significantly, and took some time to get it back in working order… however, it was definitely worth it! As you can see from the picture on the top, Unity has changed all aspects of their lighting system, shaders, and even the way they handle physics. The top of this image is what we saw when we first opened our project in the new version. The bottom is our current project after some fixing up. Keep in mind, like everything in our game, this obviously is still a work in progress haha!

Although this upgrade was a slight setback, our quality will be better than ever! Keep in mind, the picture on the bottom is its current state now, however, it will get even better as we move forward with this new Unity.

The version of Unity and their HDRP we were using before did not have any VR support, and we have had to create all of our own fixes for this. Now, our new Unity version is fully ready to let us use all HDRP has to offer for our VR project! 

What does that mean? 

In simple terms, it means we’ll have much better lighting, shaders, post-processing effects, and major optimizations to every aspect of our game engine! This is a HUGE upgrade!

Although it will still take us some time to fully utilize everything this new Unity has to offer, you will not be disappointed!

You will notice the one thing that has not improved yet is our hair. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the person we had working on a real-time hair solution is no longer working on that with us. He is a AAA game dev, who was working on that for us on his off time. However, he has had to pick up a bunch of other side jobs since his COVID layoff to keep him surviving… so we have been pushed to the back burner for a bit. However, with this new Unity upgrade, we will be looking into solutions ourselves for this soon! Please bear with us, our models' hair will not look like this forever haha! On that note, if anyone has Unity HDRP or GPU shader coding experience and might want to help us with our real-time dynamic hair, please reach out to us and we can chat about it!

Thanks, everyone for your support! We really appreciate all you do for us!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

-The VReleased Team



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