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Hey Everyone!

We finally received our Index controllers yesterday! We are super excited to start playing with them. We were working with one of our Patrons "UnstableOrbit" who got the index controllers before us and was willing to help us start developing with them. Testing was slow though since we had to create and send builds every time we wanted to test something... good news though! We don't have to do that anymore haha! Still, we want to give a special thanks to UnstableOrbit for taking the time to do that testing with us! Thanks bro!

Anyway, besides that it has been a very hectic month! Between moving everyone to a new location across the country, while dealing with all the bullshit of upgrading to the new "Unity 2019" (meaning the new HDRP, new input system, and new hardware)... Not to mention a couple family issues during the same time... it's been a stressful month haha!

Good news is we are all fully settled in our new place and we're putting in a little extra time each day to catch back up from the chaos of last month! As always, we will keep you updated!

Thank you everyone for your support! Stay tuned for more!

-The VReleased Team



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