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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are 20+ years old

Did you know? The first "Art Academia" with Ochaco as a protagonist was made in 2018.

I refuse to believe 6 years have passed. I reject reality and impose my own instead.

In any case, I raelly, really enjoy how this one looks. I did have the idea of some kind of robe, but only after I added it I got the "yeah, this one's is gonna be good" vibe from it, so I'm glad I thought about it!

Sorry for the huge delay. I'll be punctual this week I swear on me mum. I hope you guys enjoy best girl. Yes I said it. Fite me.

Once again, thank you all for your infinite patience and support. All and every one of you are truly wonderful. 

Would be nice to have a chill out stream and doodle Patron's requests for a few hours this week, if I can.

Thank you once again, have a great week!



Quiet One

I can't stop staring at Ochako's bush. Love the way you draw her pubes

Some Guy

I refuse to fite you, because I agree with you. Best girl 100%!