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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are 20+ years old

I guess that makes our girl Neeko neat, too. If only they called her Neeka, I would have the easy rhyme "qué rebonica" to say every time I saw the character, but that's not a thing that's gong to happen in this universe sadly.

Hey hey people.  Eltonel here.

Do you know about a videogame called "League of Legends"? It's a pretty obscure game, made by a small indie company. The lure is, play for free. The catch is, the game is addictive like cocaine, and you will spend hours in order to feel that one high that you got one time that was awesome.

Be aware of it when you start to play!

I think this one came out quite eye catching with all the vibrant colors. This will be all for this week, but stay tuned for the livestream for the poll that I couldn't work on, but will be worked on tomorrow Monday. People in the Official Discord Server have a small sneek peek available there.

Once again, many thanks for your infinite patience and support. February is already here and I'm still feeling like it's mid January at most. Crazy.



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