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Disclaimer: All characters depicted here are 20+ years old.

Sometimes she's just, you know, kind of over bearing. But always have your (her) best interest in mind, rest assured! It's not like she wants to flood the competition with more grandchildren you can count. Nonono.

Nothing like that.

In any case, a new Lusamine pic was in order right?

It has been a good while since the last one. Her hair is always fun to draw. They really outdid themselves with her design I think.

Obligatory if only the games had the same solid design as the female npcs.

In any case, thank you once again for riding the wave with me for another week! I'll head back to the drawcaves because it's still too hot outside for some reason and I hate that it's hot in OCTOBER. Second year in a row I think? Whatever

Thanks once again for your infinite patience and support. You are all truly wonderfuly.

Have a great week!
