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Disclaimer: All characters depicted here are 20+ years old.

Previously called "Hot Nation"

Geddit. Because it's the Fire Nation. And fire is hot. But seks is also hot.

Isn't it clever?

I'm sorry I'm not at the top of my game puttint titles to pieces or writing. However, I think this one piece came out very, very nice! I'm now contractly obligated by the commissioner to watch the whole of Avatar: TLA series.

I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, we will go and stream last poll winner, the female Swimmer from X/Y who to my surprise won with a nice lead against internet favorite hex maniac!

Look forward to it!

Once again, thank you so much for your patience and support. I'll work extra hard this week to push forward the next pieces I'm working on.

Thank you once again, have a fantastic week!




Kataang fan says heresy!

Test Pattern

Don't worry ladies, I've got enough honor for both of you.

Hippo Dippo

Love Katara's nipples!


I'm hoping for a shouto todoroki style threesome like this(with momo and maybe fuyumi or rei) since Zuko and Shouto are similar kinda.


Don't mind me I'm just taking your suggestion and changing the name of this pic.