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The dragon balls of course. What else where you thinking about?

Okay so time to make democracy fun again, come vote your favorite choice, don't be shy, take your parents to vote too, they will be happy to participate!

We have to select one of the fine Dragon Ball ladies. On the left row, something for the old guard, on the right side, something for the b̶a̶b̶b̶y̶ ̶c̶r̶o̶w̶d̶ new guard.

Now, choose wisely!



Got to go with Bulma; she's always been a favorite on mine. Brains and Beauty 💙


Saiyan supremacy. (Kefla)


Videl, all the way.


Android 21 or Majin 21, please lord this is important


Hmmmm. I haven't thought about that. Seems like Majin 21 is the most popular isn't it?


I don't know what has the mass appeal but I know which one I like (Android/Labcoat) and which one I don't. I'll just vote denim and save the brainpower, thanks for replying though chief.

TF Commando

Do Videl with her short, spikey haircut!

Hallan Parva

Android 21, but specifically the kindhearted "good" version