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I should just have posted this on the day of the Weens, but I ended up not doing it.

But here we are, we have a helloweens greetings, and we had the help of Mr.Gorby, as he added some life to it with some colors for Viv as Morrigan and Gilda as Lilith.

Hope you enjoy my mad skills are video editing. There is another one I've been leaving unatended. You'll find it in the following post!

PS: There is a longer but music less timelapse of my part of the work for those interested down here too. Give it a look if you fancy that stuff!



A timelapse for a Halloween pic, in collaboration with Mr.Gorby. With Vivian and Gilda cosplaying as Morrigan and Lilith. Hope you guys like it! Mr.Gorby's twitter: @MrGorby My twitter: @EltonelArts OST: Monkey Island Opening Theme (Introduction) Ghosts & Goblins Stage 1 (The haunted graveyard)


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