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You might be too young to know this, but there was a time when the Pokeymon company was a small indie company, that there was an official manga called "The Electric tale of Pikachu" that was supposedly drawn by an ero-manga creator.

This gave us a lot of pages of nice eyecandy for Kasumi/Misty, including a very revealing swimsuit that has never been re-utilized in any other official media, or at least that I'm aware of.

Here's a small tribute for that swimsuit. I really dig it's unabashed 90's charm. But you can take it away if you want on the attached files as usual!

That's gonna be all for now! Thank you once again for your patience and support. You're all truly wonderful.

Have a great week!



TF Commando

Can we get an option with belt and no suit? :)


The Manga is actually known for some other things, like surprisingly deep world building (Ash in this version is on a year break from school, for example) and ending with Jessie and James married and expecting a child. Also 'the boobs'.


Loved this series growing up and not just for the eye candy ( though that was appreciated too😁) It was awesome seeing such a different take on the pokemon series. One of my favorite chapters were with that giant demonic Haunter "Black Fog"

Hippo Dippo

All Misty art is a blessing. ❤️