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Sssh.  Babby commander is sleeping.

Did you know there is this gacha game called Azur Lane, where battleships become anime girls with varying degree of boobage? Well now you know. Pictured up here, it's the battleship Chicago. She classifies as "Heavy Cruiser" and is packing some serious firepower!

There is an alternate version that involves less clothes in select places. But I don't think you're interested in that. It's down there on the attached files, but really, who would really want to see unclothed boobs in this day an age?

Thank you again for your infinite patience and support. 

I'll be "in situ" next week. Thank you all for bearing with me! I promis to deliver a very big and pretty pic for the next upload. It's from a franchise I never played with before, but I think it's coming out pretty sweet!

Have a great week! 

Hey, that rhymed.




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