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It seems this kind of pics are really interesting for a very select group of persons. Every now and then I get asked to draw three girls from various universes apparently caught up in some kind of underground construction, where they have their roles to fulfill, besides eyecandy.

We have the very big tit dragon lady, the big tit ogre lady, and the not that big but still big street punk titty. A very complete three course meal if you ask me. 

Seems that the girls on the right have had some frictions in the past a few times already. With a clear winner so far. I'm kind of impressed. Vi is a lot smaller than Yamato.

But I'd say the one winning so far is Ilulu on the left. Big bed, big grin, big badonkas, and probably big responsibility on her too.

There are two versions, one with bruises on the girls, one without. Hope you guys like this one! One more time, thank you so much for your infinite patience and support. You're all truly wonderful.

Have a great week!



Gopher Chucks

Was there a third one of these Dungeon Girls series? I can't seem to find it.