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I mean, who doesn't have issues. We all have. Some more, some less, some very explicitly concrete ones. 

Apparently, our friend Chloe has some daddy issues, and she seems pretty decided on working them out, one way or the other. Another cute Pokegirl from the anime. I've not seen her in action, but I dig her do! Tried to make the atmosphere intimate but I'm not sure if I managed to nail it.

Once again, thank you very much for your infinite patience and support. 

Next week will be the last week before evolving from man, to marriedman. I've been working my ass off to have more things ready for the upcoming weeks and have you guys well fed, even if I'm going to be out of the drawcave for a good while between this and that.

This is all your fault, by the way. Wouldn't be possible without your constant patronage and kindness. I'm forever in your debt. I'll try to repay it with new art for as long as I can and before my hand explodes.

I pretend to stream the poll result winner, so stay tuned for it! Have a fantastic week!



The Spider

Okay, girls with daddy's issues are my game.


This man is a gentleman, a schoolar, and also has little to no self-preservation

The Spider

Haha! You only live once and nothing was ever written about the cowardly.