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Okay mentlegen. TIme to decide which one of these popular choices remain atop the rest! Will it be a sweep like last one? Who knows!

As a welcome to our new group of merry frens, this one's open to everyone too, so go ahead, cast your vote!

And don't forget to comment any particular idea you'd like to see for your choice, inspiration comes in a lot of ways. 

Let democracy begin!



Zelda, Zelda or Zelda? Tough choice this time All of these versions are lovely but it might be because of the trailer last week but I'm leaning towards BOTW Zelda. As for an idea how about the Princess finds herself on Eventide Island and is surprised that all of her equipment has been taken from her and she has to continue on using only the bare essentials. XD

Hippo Dippo

Since BotW looks like the favorite, the Princess conducting nude research seems appropriate. Or perhaps playing with the camera function.

Aaron M

Let me state my case for LTTP Vote for it. That's my case. LTTP Princess Zelda is boss.


can't go wrong whatever the winner