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Shauntal is set on writing the BEST erotic novel the world has ever seen.

Such a feat is not going to be easy. She'll need to research the topic, read lot's of books, talk with lot of people, and scribble on LOTS of paper sheets of different sizes.

Wish her luck! Surely in between battles with the rest of her Elite 4 partners, she will get this one through.

She might also need some first hand experiences. They are great for making scenarios in your mind. I'm no writer, but even I know this.

Once again, thank you for your superior brand of patience. And your benevolent support. I'm always humbled by the big dick energy you radiate.

Have a great week! 



The Spider

She needs sex and lot of it...preferably with me.

The Spider

Hahaha! I haven't gotten a bone from regular sex in 8 years...