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Just because your ship capsized near a bucolic enough island on the (caribbean?) sea, doesn't mean you can't have a nice picnic with your lady friends. You could argue that once you have a roof over your head and a supply of food, could be considered some sort of vacation wouldn't it?

This reminds me of that silly question of "what three things would you take to a desert island?" If you didn't answer "three beautiful ladies" you're doing it wrong. 

Names are from left to right Zoelza, Iscavella, and Bailiegh, in case you're curious.

That was one hell of a pic to make. Do enjoy the atmosphere on it. A friend again helped me with some really useful directions. I hope this one's of your tastes, because it certainly is of mine!



The Spider

Now that's an island I can be stranded on for sure lol btw hope you got my last email.


I love how the only addition to the good version is the added carpet. That does make it good (better) indeed! The lighting and composition on this is lovely btw!