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What it's not so great is how hot it can get. 

Otherwise, pretty good. Lots of sunlight hours, swimming pools, BBQs, ice creams. But the hot. You can escape cold with more clothing layers. There is nowhere to run when the hot settles in. You will have no more clothing to remove, and you will still be hot.

But summer is great overall. What's not great is me being so late this week. I tryied to make too much at the same time, result being I finished nothing in time. A delay just in time for the new Patreons to enjoy! Hi guys! I try to be punctual and update every Sunday. Sometimes I fail. But I always bring ladies. This time it's back to basics with Vivian and her step sis Potato - I mean Gilda. 

No air conditioner and summer gets in the way of enjoying videogames. But still, fun times can be had! I hope you have some fun times this week! I've already breached into Tuesday but surely some of you are still living in Monday.

Thanks once again for your kindness, patience and support. Variations available with less clothing on the attached files. Have fun!

PS: The base sketch was made by my pal Paps. Give him a look. He makes great cartoony art with lots of charm. 

