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 Yes, in this time of year, localized entirely within this picture.

I FORGOT TO UPLOAD THIS MIDWEEK. Surimasen, sorry, siento. Point of it being a side update (Despite being really happy with how the lighting came out on this one!) was the lack of tiddy. I mean, handsome men are good too, but it's no tiddy.

In any case, this one came from a small sketch I did months ago for another picture. Progress was achieved!

Thank you very much, there is another thing I want to show you today too!




Amourshipping is one of my faves, but I oddly don't find myself coming for it. Odd....as I do actually come a fair few Amour featuring fictions elsewhere in com world. Thanks to the guy who does come them for filling up my slack.

Gopher Chucks

Tiddy or no, it's a very kino piece. Love all the nonsexual skin contact, with Serena hugging and pressing her bare skin on Ash's back.