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Deepest lore confirmed.

There will be two pages presenting/justifiying why every Pokémon trainer with that's made a name for himself tends to appear naked in every picture I draw of them. Because having an in-world explanation for this is always good to have, right?

Hope you guys enjoy it, it was a big piece this time, and I also got some computer problems this week, that I managed to solve with the help of a friend. Yay for friendship!

Stay safe, and stay tuned, more to come soon!

Thanks again for your support, you guys rock!




Guy who commed this with a few bits. 1: This is a different idea than the old comics I commed: basically an idea for a comic series that can be finished easily, but it is also VERY expandable. If I ever have an idea for a page 3, or even if someone else does, it is easy to add on. 1.5: Yes, that means an idea for a Page 3 could come from one of you as easily as it could me. After that it would be page 4, then 5.... 2: Those earlier comics with Delia and Ash are not in canon with these. 3: I specifically chose girls already drawn by Eltonel...for some reason. Not entirely sure why. Page 2 also has a returning gal we haven't seen in a bit. 4: Ash and co are not on Page 2. They could appear in later pages though if someone, or I, makes then.