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Man I really like autumn. Heat is going away, but it's not freezing cold, leaves turn orange and yellow and all sort of pretty colors, and trainers can still go for a stroll with little clothing on them if it's sunny. Just perfect. Kind of like a reverse reflection of spring.

So Ash and Dawn went for a nice walk but suddenly, a wild Chespin appeared! Looks like Ash was paying attention to the wrong (right?) place, so Dawn is gonna get to try her luck with the pokéballs first!

The early bird catches the chestnut chipmunk. Something like that.

Hope you guys like it! I feel like this one's one of my best works so far, tell me what you think, and thank you all for your patience and support!



Gopher Chucks

Dat half-chub. Ash is definitely not paying attention to the Pokemon. Also hairy Ash looks like Solid Snake.


Love this! It's nice to see more Ash + Dawn art. They look great.