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Jumping on the bandwagon MONTHS after the fad started is my modus operandi.

Our heroes were having a nice stroll on a forgotten old route, but the heat of summer did get them. Nothing a nice, expertly delivered, ice tea can't solve.

Look at May's smug face. She just won a free ice tea, cause Ash wouldn't believe she could drink it without using her hands. But she could. Ash's a bit of a dunce.

This one offered a big amount of hardship for me. Pikahcu's face represent me when I finally got it done.

Hope you guys like it regardless!

There will be an aditional update in a mater of one or two days, so stay tuned for more!




Lovin' it. Also, how unabashed they are about their nudity? I wouldn;t surprise me if that update was some nice naturalistic scene with these two love-making...


I just love how this has become just a massive series in of itself. Also quick joke on how there are several whom this would not work with. Hello Lana!


ash's benis looks like an upside down diglett