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So, yeah, starting next month, I'll be going to an art academy to give my art the final "oomph" it lacks in my opinion.

I hope everything goes well. I'm anxious as all hell.

I've to move to the city where the classes are gonna take place, so we have to empty the flat where we currently live. That's the main reason i've been out of the loop last month and a half or so.

So I'll quit my day job, take a loan to pay the course and live out of commissions and savings up to this moment, for the 10 months I'll be out.

I want to thank those of you who have been supporting me either with Patreonbux or directly commissioning me a picture. It would have been impossible without the extra motivation knowing at least some people likes what I do. I know i'ts not the best work, but I give all of them my best effort to make them good and appealing.

Expect some changes on the description of the page, and some more options to the support tiers, will try to make it look more professional.

I'm crossing my fingers.

Thanks a lot for your patience with me.

H-here I go!

Yours truly.




Congrats on side strafing your poverty!


You are too modest. Congrats, I'm sure you'll do fine.


Good luck, dude! It's nice to see artists trying to get better. I'm excited to see what you do next.


Good luck, here's hoping you don't fuck yourself over