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A lot of stuff i should have posted one by one so it doesn't make you choke and feel confused, but I find myself fighting anxiety when uploading unfinished stuff.

Let's make it interesting and interactive and all that fancy stuff, and tell me if you would like me to finish any of these, right?

But enough is enough. I hope you find something here that you like!




nani sore and retardgf look they are fun. La Salsa looks cool too

Test Pattern

Heh, nice angle on "Asshii". That hilt isn't implying anything at all.:) And that Zelda one is really pretty. They're all so nice, I can't just vote for all of them, can I? OK, OK, if I had to pick one I'd say "nani_sore" because two Eltonel girls are better than one. (How's that for selection criteria?)