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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are 20+ years

Maybe not the exact kind of cow-girl you're expecting, but we are just discussing semantics at this point.

Her name is Anabelle, the younger of two sisters, and as you can see, she has been properly tended and taking care of. Sometimes I wonder how much different life would be if people didn't flock to big cities and most of us still lived in villages and farms and such. Probably with more back pains, but maybe also less stressed.

I yearn for a simpler day to day life. When I win the lotery I'll get me a small place with a few animals and some plowing fields. And I meant as in, cultivating stuff, not banging your monstergrills, but you can do that if it tickles your fancy!

Once again, thank you so much for your infinite patience and support. I'll get back to work ASAP. Gotta visit the doctor, not for me, but for the little nugget. I don't think it's anything serious but you know, first kid, everything is very important and must be assumed it's gonna be fatal if left unatended. But I digress.

You are all truly wonderful.

Have a great week!




Both .rars seem identical?