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These girls made her horny while trying to work out.. now they'll pay the price! Though it'll be paid gladly!




duuuuuuuuuude, comic is great, question, are we gonna see Katie get bigger than her girlfriend, that would be sexy and hot if she does and put her in place? xD


Whoa, Katie has grown so amazingly huge and gorgeously beautiful. These hotties deserve to be subjugate by Katie. Christel has done impressive work on Katie’s body and her confidence. Katie has matured into an incredible woman. Katie is the perfect girlfriend for Christel. I can imagine these two women getting on hardcore. Brilliantly well executed with style.

Andre Curieux

Wow Katie is gorgeous and I hope she will get more muscular to handle Christel sexually. I agree with the comment of chaseme231. Great work.


Not bigger as in taller, but who knows how she handles Christel? We'll find out soon!


God it's gonna be so hot seeing her get huge! All that strength and power in a short package, not to mention her huge package haha


Love how big she’s gotten, out of curiosity do you plan on having her cock grow too?