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I rarely see amazon pirates. Why is that? Pirates are cool..

Would you guys be up for a Amazon pirate story?



I. Nobes

Would love to see one. But obviously do a rip of Captain Jack Sparrow.

Samuel E. N. Furlano

Lovely set. And that would be so cool!! Be gentle with the guys she Shanghais!


She can certainly take my hidden booty : )


I would most definitely love it

Bernard Phillips

Hmmm..let's see a beautiful red, with muscles and strength and she takes from Any and Everbody just because..🤔😜😛🤩💪🙏🏆

Danny Castle

Looks like time has frozen, last week's set number was also 78. :D


Suggestion - an amazon pirate story would be brilliant if you were to mix it up with an FMG /male muscle drain story where the loot isnt just their gold but their muscles (and maybe some captains daughter boob theft too?!)


A very nice pin up with some pretty much unexplored setting and idea in regards of the female muscle community. A swole and adventurous pirate captain who does as she pleases since might makes right, but even more than usually when you think at pirates looking at those guns of her? 😛 Visiting all kind of different places, from deep and wild jungles and its tribes, rowdy port town or even small fishing villages, maybe visiting a proper inland city? Yep, I feel like something like that would have huge potential. And damn, I just love the 4th and 5th pin ups so much! Image being some sailor, lookout spotted the pirate flag and chaos breaks out, worried for your own life … only for a literal angel to jump at you when its to the boarding action. And while waiting inside the brig, one by one you and your people get escorted out to meet the captain for some reason and when the times comes and you are next, you get greeted by this drunken amazon and the next hour, will be the best hour of your life. Also, I would wonder if just her or the whole crew or at least some of the pirate crew members would be amazons too. Would they catfight over the “loot”? Man, so much potential. Also, unrelated: Why are most of the criminal amazons redheads, robo? 😛


Hell yes, but that is the least flattering top I've seen on any of your characters. Appropriate on a pirate, but soo baggy. I hope you pick a different top. Very much love everything else about her and this idea.