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As usual, if you're not interesting in my talking, enjoy Hannah and move along :)

Let me first take a little time to say this: Thank you!

Thank you for your support, your comments, your ideas! Without you this would definitely not be possible! In a few weeks I (if everything goes right) I will work one day less in the week to spend more time on content and this is something I'd not have considered even remotely possible when I started this whole thing just over a year ago!

So thank you so much for that!

Now to talk a bit about content. You might have noticed that there was no Lee this week, instead the main comic released. We've talked about Lee and Lexi a bit last time as well. Now here's the thing: 

Lee's and Lexi's story is going to be made. But. In it's current form, I think it does more harm then good. Knowing what to expect out of a Patreon is fun, seeing the same thing over and over again for months is not (at least in my opinion). Next to that, by only releasing 10 pages a week I sometimes try to give a proper "ending" to this weeks images, which honestly just hurts the story as a whole. I would much rather make the story complete in one go and release the full, polished comic rather then going on and on about the same thing.

The next thing we have is the main comic series with Gymnastics Galore as the latest release. The main comic is something that I myself am most personally invested in. It's where I started, it's what I kept doing and it's what I'll keep doing. There are a great many plans for them.

The last thing is the superhero comic that I am and have been planning for quite a while now. Slowly making strides towards something that is worth making. The primary purpose of this comic is of course showing very strong, super sexy girls flying around lasering and breaking stuff. The (very large)  secondary purpose of this is a artistic challenge. In nearly every facet of my content I plan to make strides with this comic. Lighting, visual effects, story telling, character development. This is, in every sense, the "next step" for my content. And I am excited for that. It is also eventually going to be a superhero/goddess comic, so don't only expect "good girl superhero saves people". It's definitely way more then that.

So we have these three things (ignoring the weekly sets, pin-ups and general random content I release like the do's and dont's) that make, or will make, up a large bunch of the content. 

There is always a limiting factor of course, and that is time. Just like everyone there are only 24 hours in a day for me and I do need some sleep besides work and other activities. 

So this brings me at a crossroad. What do I focus on?

To solve this problem I have thought of two options.

1. I focus on the main comics, Lexi and Lee are finished slowly behind the scenes and the Wednesdays are instead used for image sets not entirely unlike the weekly sets we have (think the POV stuff, or the pool girl stuff), or something else comparable that I come up with. In practical terms this means that we will see at least one short story this month about the main comics and a lot of progress on the next main comic, the superhero comic series will wait until Lee and Lexi are finished at their slow pace.

2. I focus on Lexi, Lee and the upcoming superhero comic. The Wednesdays will also be filled with image sets like in the first option in absence of Lee/Lexi. In practical terms this means we will (most likely) see the release of the full Lexi and Lee comic this month'(in one go, no "few images a week" anymore. And after that the focus will be split between the main comics and the superhero comic.

In both these options the superhero comic will take the Wednesday "slot" so to say.

Q: How is this superhero comic going to be different from Lexi/Lee then if you think it does fit on the Wednesdays?
A: Unlike the Lee/Lexi comic the superhero comic will be in episodes. One every week. Every episode will have a clear beginning and end with a overarching story.

Now to this effect I have created a poll which can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55682689

This is only accessible to $10 Patrons as it affects the content of the $10+ tier, not the $5 tier (for you amazing guys very little will change!). 

So yeah.. I'd say vote for it! I'm obviously fine with either option, otherwise I wouldn't make a poll about it!


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