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Here it is!

Will soon make the short story which shows how Victoria responds to all this! And how they're going to solve the problems between the two sisters :)



Bernard Phillips

Yes, that was worth the wait. There's a lot to put together, but if I'm honest😏 Ivana is coming.. 😜💪😱😈


Still hope to see Amy's love story with regular man (or big guy, I don't think there is a big difference for her)


Finally, the long-awaited latest instalment of your main characters is here! While I obviously enjoy the weeklies, short comics, pin ups and other works too, Hannah and co is still the main reason why I support you. Fantastic art, incredible character designs and personalities and a very unusual take on slice of life. You simple cannot beat that combination. Hannah playing the straight (wo)man role and is the most blessed by common sense, Emma is the very temperamental younger sister and still stuck in her puberty, Amy as another late teen but of a very different kind, one who is downright painfully inexperienced and naïve sometimes but in return incredible cute and of course the other main characters who are missing in this comic exist too, all of them are on the first glance nothing particular special compared to other slice of lives … except the characters featured here are either super models and/or unmatched buff amazons , blessed with even greater strength and other physical capacities than their bodies would suggest. How many moody little sisters can send another teen flying with a punch to the stomach or lift an adult man by the throat single handily? Suddenly the usual ways how such a plot line could proceed and resolve do not really work here anymore. Or how many people who are inexperienced with working out, can literally lift the whole gym building up? How does one even teach such a person, because looking at the comic, Hannah does not have the answer for that question either for now. 😜 Or how many well-adjusted people would kiss complete strangers on the mouth, to get rid of them because the option of being so damn beautiful and godlike that even a kiss is basically some kind of blessing which need to be answered to, is available to them and you might as well use it since apparently it is the most efficient way to handle the situation? I could keep going on, but you get the idea. It might be a relative normal slice of life at its core, but its execution makes it completely unique. Anyway, talking about my favourite pages now since with so many great pages, there a lot of noteworthy pages which deserved to be mentioned again. The very first one would be page 2 for me because of that incredible entrance scene! Just one of them is enough to make people stare with open mouths and previous works only confirm that notion and yet here there are three of such stunners and each of them is even more insane than the previous one. (Sorry Hannah, you are still my favourite but between you and Amy, it will be Amy who will steal the most attention 😅) And speaking of shocked and stunned people, you somehow made the reception guy even more extreme than usual in that regard, especially page 5 shows it perfectly, which seems fitting with such an overload of amazons at one spot. In the meantime, you have Hannah just trying to act like a normal customer, making his poor but relatable reaction even funnier. … and dayum, that’s a lot of ass. 😎 Lmao, that exchange in the pages 8 and 9 is pure gold. But honestly, I think you are a bit too big and busty yourself to wear it as a shirt … unlike those regular sized chicks in the background. Hannah’s half-jokingly and half-serious suggestion of Amy to sit on poor Emma is even better tho. The following Emma conversation in the pages 11, 12 and 13 is fantastic too but those random background girls going crazy over Amy is my favourite part in the whole locker room scene. There is a certain charm and honesty to them which I just love. The ridiculous huge and buff Amy being “helpless” is another great aspect about this whole thing. Her pinkie could be enough to get rid of them but instead she keeps acting like the young girl she is under that mountain of muscles and needs Hannah to “rescue” her. Speaking of Hannah, holy shit that page 18! For me, she is your best-looking character even if my attention gets easily stolen by other awesome looking amazons but it’s pages like this one which remind me why she is the number one. Damn, I think her waist is actually thinner than her damn own younger sister despite being significantly buffer and bigger all around or rather nearly all around than her. 😅 Those impossible cut abs and mighty breasts look fantastic too. Page 22 is just so damn cute despite it being a very embarrassing situation for Amy and I feel me a bit bad about it. More muscles than the other two amazons combined, stands multiple heads taller and yet she looks so strangely small right now with her ashamed pose and expression. … page 25 is another of those “Wow, look at this Hannah” pages. She looks so freaking amazing in it, she was the first thing I saw before noticing the gigantic Amy. While the previously pages, did a nice job to show off how their incredible beauty change and modify a slice of life story, finally the muscles and strength join that surreal situation with page 28 too. Zero experience with anything work out related and yet that freaking calve alone is enough to make a proper amazon like Hannah just stare and bluntly mutter out her own amazement to this insane situation and body. I gave plenty of praise towards Hannah and Amy by now, but finally Emma shows off too with page 32 and it also reminds me why I have an upper limit on the amount of muscles I want to see on people. The perfect mix of strength, stamina but also flexibility. I will never understand people who want impossible buff characters who lose the ability to use and flex their lovely bodies. Just being buff only seems to be half of the appeal and actually using their bodies the other one, well at least for me it is. And damn, page 34 one ups it. Probably one of my favourite renders of Emma yet but I do have one complaint: I cannot fully see her lovely, flexed biceps there but I know you picked that angle since it makes the rest of her body better looking in return. Truly a first world problem here. 😅 The whole Emma/Hannah exchange between the pages 39 and 44 is fantastic. First a wholesome and silly conversation between the youngest and middle sister before things start to turn sour when the former gets unreasonable moody and even then, there is a certain humorous tone it like using Victoria as insult. Poor Amy tho, caught between the sudden crossfire of family affairs of others. Looks like page 50 got the biceps I wanted to see before, probably not as big since this is just a single swift moment instead of a sustained and physically extremely demanding pose but is still a very nice size and shape. And while doing this attack is ultimately a bad thing, that bitch really had it coming for aiming an even lower blow against Emma’s family. Not the biggest arm or biceps but it’s a biceps of sweet revenge and karma. 😅 Luckily, page 57 brings a nicer tone to the comic again. Amy talks about her past experience of exercising and how it failed because she lifted too much at once … while holding an impossible looking weight in her hand which probably not even the strongest man could lift. Sounds weird but page 64 got my favourite Hannah render of this comic. I just really enjoy the pumped look of muscles and the Hannah in this page looks simple huge with the way how her impressive arms and torso flare up. The fact that this page is one of the less glorious moments of Hannah does not bother me at all. Smug and confident Amy is precious. After so many moments of self-doubt, Amy is truly shining in the pages 70 and 71. Hopefully this becomes a common thing in the future. 😇 Speaking of hopeful, I am weirdo for seeing that massive weight being lifted by Hannah in the pages 73 and 74 and hoping it increases the chances to see more of that red head from some of your more recent works? Her muscles seem to be on the same level as of the various women in your main comic series and all of them got low superhuman strength too … and a red head is still missing. 😜 Lmao, that surprise and even more surprisingly cringeworthy Jeniffer in the pages 78 and 79. When you are such a beauty, you really don’t need to work on proper pick up and flirting lines since her mere presence would be enough to have everyone throw at her feet voluntary. Good thing Emma is a fun person too and comes along anyway. Damn, the pages 87 and 88 are another great pairing, especially by featuring such a hot pairing! And once again, I got reminded why I have a max limit on the amount of muscles I want for women. Both look insanely ripped and huge and only the biggest real-life female bodybuilders would surpass them while being much uglier but despite their impressive bodies, they can still have fun with each other without being hindered by their own bodies. This sudden shift in power relationships is very entertaining too. Hannah and her family really like being on top and actually do work towards it while Jeniffer seems to solely rely on her blessed genetics. Lmao again, the casual attitude of both Emma and then Jeniffer in the pages 95 and 96 are amazing. They act like this is the most normal thing … and with their bodies and strength, it very well might be. The pages 98-100 make feel a bit conflicted but in a nice way. It is very cute of Hannah to go full protective older sister mode despite her harsh tone, but she really went a full “Victoria” here for lecturing Emma for something she is guilty herself too. At least fucking a random stranger in the locker room does not cost money unlike wrecking Hannah’s furniture or belongings. 😜 Triple lmao, I just knew a comic about a rebellious youngest sister and a too forgiving middle sister will cause tons of fun scenarios and Jeniffer is like the icing on the cake. Jeniffer talking about cuteness first before Amy’s insane height or muscles is very funny too. Amy is truly a gentle (and cute) giantess. Since I prefer my girls nice, I will have to cut off here, Ivanna. 😅 Comic was 110% worth the wait and I can’t wait to see the resolution to Hannah’s family squabbles because they are their best when they act like a happy family like when they tried to taught Amy.


Good story that became great when Ivana enters.