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Lee knows what's up.. though I think this little stunt might cost her later on..




Damn, I am not sure if this part took place in a washroom or sauna because I feel I am melting away with all the hotness Lee radiates here! Very happy with the developments which took place too. At least one of them realise that the drill sergeant is not exactly the most objective in his priorities but sadly Lee missed their conservation with her very brazen entrance taking the centre of the stage. Well, at least said attitude helped her to deal with that sausage fest in return. Ogling gazes and major a hole behaviour had no chance against her iron will (and body). Since this is everyone first proper meeting in their free time, it should be quite interesting how Lee’s explosive show will affect the others perception of her in contrast to the previous parts which had the whole group silently grind away the various challenges from their superior. Beyond that, I don’t have much else to say except of course praising the fantastic art and Lee’s incredible physique. The pages 41 and 42 made both facepalm a little and chuckle on top of being a teaser of the upcoming reveal of Lee’s body. Blonde guy together with the bald dude from page 40 seems like the most reasonable ones but the poor lad happened to be first one to “challenge” her presence and becomes her first target to establish her dominance. In the meantime, Karma strikes back, and two perverts are watching that magnificent sight which is Lee … at least they have good taste. 😅 Should have saved her anger a little bit longer for guys who truly deserved it. I really like page 43. On the one hand you have this titantic and peak specimen of a woman which makes everyone, but the biggest men look small compared to her and her physical capacities seems even more impressive but on the other hand this mega amazon is starting to show weakness and doubts are appearing after her first attempt to establish herself failed to some degree. Like damn, she supports herself on the wall while showing hints of fragility … except those supporting arms look like they could snap a bull neck and the words “Lee” and “fragile” should never appear at the same time except when a “not” is present. But the best part about page 43, is being the incredible setup for page 44. Lee is back on offensive again and starts off with a breath-taking pose which make her unmatched body stand out even more. Finally, Lee’s series is taking a more positive route again. Uff, page 46 is a quick reminder how God damn intimidating amazons like Lee are and why I prefer gentle ones over cruel ones, but that guy had it coming no matter if Lee belongs to the former, later group or something in between. Guy might in shape but the difference between them is just staggering. Hell, even the big guy does not that look impressive anymore being nude since Lee is clearly superior in definition while in size, they are pretty close to each other. Also, in my opinion, her silent approaching is a lot scarier than a shouting one since her possible rage or revenge would be focused and aimed at whatever the source could be. … can I still call page 47 bait and switch because that word has a rather negative stigma attached it despite me enjoying this page a lot? Honestly, I am very glad it took that direction instead of a violent one. We and Lee’s companion get some freaking s tier eye candy and getting violent would only have backfired really badly on her later on. And damn, what an incredible sight! Gravity defying perky tits with an even bigger rear to balance them out and in every single page featuring Lee and that big guy, I always try to compare them and the thing which stand out the most is their overall body shape. Dude is built like a brickhouse and actually deserves that washboard description while Lee keeps a heavenly hourglass and if not for her insanely build chest muscles and huge bust, a very curvy s figure but at least the bottom half of the s is still crystal clear visible. And a very satisfying ending with the last two pages for both Lee and the reader. Guy can keep spitting out insults and lies but his dick talks the truth and I can only image how he rages and curses Lee while trying to calm his member down and likely with the image of Lee in his head on top of it. I hope their evening is not fully finished yet and we might see a bit more of everyone thoughts after such an epic performance of Lee in the next post.


Good thing Lee held Herself back or that man would now be a boy after she demolished him in any combat.


Its been 4 months Whats going on with Lee Its almost 2022 why hasn't there been a continuation of Soldier Lee Jones. if not the army maybe Hannah and Victoria they both have her strength and more. They meet up and become fast friends, maybe Lee can help Emma with her geting into problems so often and slow her down. Unless Victoria is up to the task.