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Lexi is pretty nervous about the contest.. let's hope Rachel and Richard can calm her!

I also wish patreon would allow bigger file sizes then 200mb as attachments..




Very nice, that is a lot of pages after the small hiccups from the last one. I can already smell the contest which is the thing I look forward the most in the Lexi series. Her wonderful body can finally shine and hopefully her personality follows suit. The fact she is still a newcomer makes this even sweeter, a complete newbie and unknown to everyone but Richard in the bodybuilding scene, making everyone’s mouth drop very soon. Hell, my own mouth dropped a little at page 203 because of her sheer size and definition. But wow, that was some dark foreshadowing here. I know we readers have the complete story of her but even then, Richard dropped quite the statement there. Maybe he and Rachel should sit together and have a proper talk about Lexi before something goes wrong during a soon supposed glorious moment. … or he somehow thinks she is a little off too after this small exchange. Dammit, I want a happy ending for them but a part of me starts to enjoy the uncertainty … but maybe this uncertainty will just make the payoff even sweeter. Of course, not only the plot is keeping me on my toes but so is the art, especially with the constantly evolving Lexi. Page 196 had me in a combination of excitement and frustration too, hell Rachel literally summed up my later part of thoughts there too. So close and yet our amazon is still making things difficult. She looks like she could slaughter the lightweight class and here she is, acting all shy and even defensive at the guy who wants to help her too. At least she makes a very cute sight too. 201 and 202 is very heart-warming and certainly not something you expect in a supposedly fetish artist patreon. But well, this is not the average patreon after all and if it just mindless buff and/or curvy girls, I wouldn’t feel the need to get so invested into it. I just hope Richard listened closely here before Lexi dropped in … hopefully the latter only heard loud noises and not what it contained. Damn, what a sight in 203. From emotional to straight burning hot with that entrance and despite her lack of motivation. Those 202 previous pages truly created an amazon, and she might be comparable to Emma in size. Next stop, trying match the person who inspired her in the first place. 😉 Of course, the follow up page in 204 is equally as awesome but I prefer tits/front site but those who prefer cake, will feast on that view too. I really like 207 too. She stands than taller and more importantly ripped than a professional and someone who showed her the ropes in the first place but yet she is still incredible unexperienced overall. Imaging how the Jury would have reacted to her massive and shredded body and yet not knowing what to do on stage would have been quite amusing and even interesting. Give the prize to the smaller and less perfect girls who actually know how to show off their own and likely still impressive bodies or the ripped juggernaut who already looks superior just by awkwardly standing around? Well, a contest is still a serious affair so it is obviously the best she learns proper posing now and I do not enjoy embarrassments anyway. Loving 208. I was one of the guys who pointed out, the in my opinion only thing which needed improvement since everything else already seems mostly perfect. But my feedback was very vague since despite my love for muscle girls, I know damn little about the human body and struggled to tell you what was wrong since all I knew something was off. I was very glad you still decided to tackle on that problem despite the lack of proper feedback and the results are speaking for themselves here. Forgive my lack of knowledge again but I have to say, this look very … natural now. It is 3d art but I can totally image a person like her existing except that magnificent chest. Since I enjoy 208 so much, 210 is obviously a must have favourite for me too. Easily your best double biceps flex yet and Lexi is not even my favourite character of course, only in the top 10. I hope Hannah, Emma and Amy will find reasons to strike some poses in the gym comic too. Very excited for the next Lexi post between how the plot develops and of course her continued development.