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As I've said in my last "let's talk" post I've slowly been working on a superhero comic series. Now this is still very much in it's writing / inception phase, her costume still needs to be created (what you see here is honestly just a colour scheme, the actual costume will look very, very different) and in general any release is still at least one or two months away, maybe even more. I also won't bother to go into any details yet, except for the fact that Vanessa will be the main character and she will also be muscular a lot of the time (though her design might still change). It will also feature both superheroes and villains.

Something that I can do however is gauge the interest a bit. Fill in the poll below!


Davide Di Fabio

well i'd love stories of how superheroines are born so with the right amount of fmg scenes


Well, personally I am neutral on the whole superhero thing. My favourite range of strength levels is realistic but near peak male human all the way up to low superhuman strength levels, lifting single digit number of tons like your main characters. Of course, it does not mean I dislike lower or even higher levels of strength either. On top of stuff like strength, durability, stamina or just physical capacities in general, the main thing I care about are the bodies. Muscular and ripped women is my oldest fetish and the previous mentioned stuff just comes naturally with it. Also, something I probably do not need to mention since most people here are aware of it, but will do it anyway is that modern media has insane double standards between male and female superhero bodies with the former rivalling body builders or at least extremely athletic people in general while the latter are just super models even if both genders can lift skyscrapers or mountains. Daring artists might add toned abs to the girls … but only toned because proper cubed and shredded abs would be too much again. Yeah, I know the average Joe still associate muscles with men only and I would be liar if I deny that men have a natural advantage to build up muscles, but the gap is not that extreme either. Woman can still develop cobblestone 6 packs, grow apple sized biceps heads and so on without injecting themself with hormones. And considering we are talking about heroes who might lift skyscrapers, mountains or even heavier stuff, it seems odd how male heroes need ripped bodies while females not because no amount of gym training will allow such feats in the first place. Anyway, I am getting a bit off topic with my rant. Personally, I voted for option 2 despite being neutral which would make option 3 fit better. If we get heroes which is basically guaranteed now with the overwhelming yes votes between the options 1 and 2, the female heroes should be able to go toe with toe with their male counterparts, both in feats and especially bodies. I do not really care if the men would be a bit bigger like in the marriage weekly since it would somewhat reflect real life despite it being a very unrealistic topic but if the physically strong male heroes are buff, so should be the strong female ones. Looking at your Vanessa and that marriage weekly works, I am very optimistic you can give both genders a fear treatment.


It would be nice if the character were able to increase his volume and muscle definition based on the force he has to use if necessary .. Even the height but not in an exaggerated way ..


Vanessa does indeed work like that already. She can just grow her muscles based on the task at hand. Though even in this form she is already really strong.


Wow! I can't wait to find out how much muscle mass she is capable of developing and the definition of her.