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So yeah, welcome to this Patreon where we jump from a spoiled futa girl fucking dozens of girls to a amazon blonde having trouble with her sisters to a giant girl crushing a truck to a girl slowly working out and getting stronger to a girl joining the military to a girl melting a steel beam with her eyes!

Something something variety..

Honestly this was my first attempt at doing something like this.. so if something really looks of or odd, let me know. I've stared myself blind on this.




A little laser green glow on the beam would add to the effect


Hmm, could you give me a example of that? I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

Kim Danver

Woah ! Very impressive Super Vannessa ! She's so strong ! The laser effect is well done too.


No need to go blind. You've done a sensational job. I know zilch about 3D modeling but from what I can gather, convincingly deforming objects (bending/crushing/what-have-you) isn't easy. So accept my uninformed praise and take it for what it's worth. By the way, I've been a subscriber for maybe a week or so and I'm awed by your output. Absolutely dynamite. You grasp superstrength better than any other artist I've seen.


Thanks! I'm really happy you enjoy my work so much! Actually crushing / deforming stuff is indeed a step up from just posing characters around, but it's something I'm very eager to explore further. I'm learning a ton of new things every day thanks to the help of other artists and feedback.


I Love it!!!