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The first 11 pages of Lee's Battle!

This comic will be made alongside Lexi's Growth and will focus on well.. Lee ofcourse! I have pretty much the entire story planned out, but will slowly make it all. Just for these first 11 pages there were 4 different scenes.. so it's quite intensive to make this comic..



Kim Danver

Sounds good. Can't wait to see Lee in action and learn how much strong she is.

Jason White

Looking forward to this. Though, I wish she were bit more superhuman.😁


Finally, the wait time is over and Lee is back, better than ever too! While you constantly create new hot characters which either become the muscular protagonist or just a curvy side character for your weeklies or comics, there are only handful of them which can claim to instantly captivate my attention on the first glance and make me look forward to more of them while I have not even finished reading their current story and Lee is such a person. She achieved that with a mix of slightly malicious compliance against her drill sergeant, her insanely ripped body even compared to your other muscle women, which seems fitting for her profession and a combination of a certain more down to earth beauty and a strong and sculptured face and expressions. The fact you decided her weekly, out of all the other awesome weeklies should be turned into a proper comic was quiet the surprise but a very pleasant one. But while her weekly had a humorous undertone by constantly humiliating her superior, you wanted to try a more serious approach this time by rebooting it and I really like its start already. The biggest addition or rather high lighting are the changing gender roles caused by our modern times in an otherwise traditionally men dominated field. Just in this post, we saw the reactions and thoughts of three different characters which are the misogynistic drill sergeant, a female doctor tired of everyone’s shit and a high ranking officer who has better things to do than listen to such ridiculous complaints, but it’s obvious that the drill sergeant will be most important side character of them while the doctor might appear from time to time since she has to suffer in this sausage fest too, just to a lesser extend than the shit which Lee will likely face in the future. Since this is an introductory first chapter, I do not have much else to say and will talk about my favourite pages now. The first ones would be page 1 and 2 since they form a pair. A bunch of highly trained and massive looking dudes getting “motivationally” yelled at by the smaller drill sergeant while a juggernaut of a woman who surpasses all but one of them in height and sheer muscle mass. No doubt that the giant guy at the end of the row will play a more important role in the story too, despite only appearing in a single page here. And when Lee joins the group and reports to her future superior, that guy could not act more assholish … but I admit I would love the idea of nurses looking like Lee. 😅 Between the title of her series and this single interaction, it sets firmly the tone for the rest of this story now. As next you have the awesome physical examination. While I do enjoy this more serious series and Lee’s presence alone provides plenty of eye candy since her shirt does a terrible job at hiding any details and even her thick pants are filled to the max with massive muscles, getting an even better look outside of a pin up for the first time is very welcome too. Page 4 already starts very nicely. I am a dude, most of my friends are male too, but even I cannot stand handling multiple of them at the same time for an extended period and this woman must do it for years and without the friendly context too! While she is hot, pretty much any women will face a torrent of inappropriate remarks, cat calling and people straight up acting like apes in her presence by both new recruits but possible even those who had the luck to work with her for years depending how corrupt the camp is. Honestly, just calling her hot would be an understatement looking at her curvy hourglass figure and the way how her skirt and shirt are filled with a big ass and generously sized breasts. Anyway, her ranting away while not even bothering to look at her patient is completely understandable at this point. But not only does the good doctor provides us a nice view but so does Lee’s insane backside. It is also a nice example of why I like muscle women in casual clothes too because except for the short sleeves, not a single cm of skin is shown and yet the way how her herculean body fills out the cloth would leave any person breathless. The next page 5 is my narratively favourite one of this post. Doctor Grace’s likely standardized rant because the horde of dudes does not deserve anything better, is over and all she can is to look at utter disbelief while her mouth is wide open after her ears signalled something is very off this time. I love the brilliant use of Lee’s gender-neutral sounding nature to trick Grace here. Lee might be a titan made of ripped and huge muscles but this time even that trait of hers is secondary to the surprise appearance of a woman in the marines. In the meantime, Lee acts like nothing special happening in this and the previous page which really shows her disciplined nature, making her even more fit for her future military career. Damn, that view in page 6 is just insane. That must be easily one of the most ripped backs you have created yet, even if several other characters of yours are bigger than her in pure mass. On top of it, Grace starting over and giving Lee a proper apology and introduction while pointing out the extraordinary situation is quiet heart-warming too. Lee just accepting it and simple moving on, makes it even better. Everyone makes mistakes, no need to dwell on it longer than needed. Page 9 might feature no girls at all, but I just love this serious exchange. The captain likely deals with a mountain of paperwork while managing the base or just parts of it together with other officers and has no time and especially fucks to give for Hakes pointless complaint and makes it very clear. If the drill sergeant wants to make things difficult for Lee, he will have do it on his own but no doubt he will do an excellent job at It and hopefully Lee can endure it, fulfil and surpass her obligations and their expectations of her. While 5 wins in the plot, page 10 is my visual favourite. Lee looks like the perfect specimen of a human, never mind a woman and both the captain and Grace straight up confirm her past accomplishments, unmatched health and physique but one does not need any documents if a simple glance at Lee would be enough to confirm any of these facts. Everything points toward that she will be the perfect soldier, no doubt putting most of her future colleagues to shame but just because she has an additional x and no y chromosome at all, she has to fight an unnecessary extra hard uphill battle, but this struggle will be very interesting to follow for us readers. And damn, that view of her is just magnificent. The combination of pure muscle mass and sheer ripped definition while keeping her sexy curves strikes a perfect balance in my eyes. Also, I am honestly glad you choose to reduce her breast size from absurd to voluptuous amazon levels because they were just too distracting in her weekly and on top of it, might hinder movements which require finesse and flexibility. Kind of funny how I keep using the word perfect here while you recently told me about her flawed visuals details not long ago, but it really depends on the lens from which you want to look at Lee. For me Lee is a soldier and warrior first, a role in which things get rough and dirty and you will need a hardened person with steel like shell to excel at it, but Lee is exactly this very person. I and many others waited over a full month, but it was fully worth it if the quality remains that high but looking at your other works, I have no worries in that regard and those pages join the mountain of evidence.