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Now nobody ever said these are only for 2d drawings right?  Can't go wrong with a 2 meter tall blonde blue eyed amazon!




inner side

Kim Danver

I hesitate between side boobs and inner side boobs...


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one! Never thought seeing this meme with 3d muscle women, never mind Hannah out of all people but here we are. Normally I prefer the inner side boob or free space panels in other examples, but you did an amazing job with all five of them. … well, they are still my favourites, but the gap is very close this time. Side boob really shows off the insane nature of her body, both curves and how ripped she is. A simple and transparent night gown which just barely covers her body while her glorious bust stands proudly on her chest by itself and without any help of a push up bra. Just perky breasts and trained pectorals embarrassing gravity itself. And yet at the same time, they are big enough to spill to her sides, even reaching further than her massive chest being wide … except spilling is the wrong word since it implies a jelly like softness and sacking from their own weight but instead it is just Hannah being that insanely big. Inner side boob features the most casual and normal clothing article out of the bunch by being a simple summer dress and I just love it when muscle women try to live a normal life and not just satisfy the deepest wishes of the viewers, which includes being decently dressed for the current weather. (Fuck, I’m melting here with the constant +30 celsius) Hannah tries not to show off here and such a dress worn by most other women would raise no concerns and complaints, but Hannah is no ordinary woman. Mothers would block the vision of their children, men but even other women would either steal glances or just surrender to their desires and stare at her directly and the most prude would call the police on her … for wearing a normal summer dress. If you have such an insane curves and huge muscles, even the most mundane outfits become boner inducing. Because of this, I really look forward to the Lee comic too. Story takes place in a boot camp for the military which means there is really no time to act sexy and seduce people, but Lee is so smoking hot, just being her is enough to spin around heads and it would take the thickest winter outfit to suppress her innate sexiness. Kinda funny how the sexy evening dress is the public outfit which shows the least amount of skin out of the bunch. Inner sideboob and underboob are both normal summer outfits to deal with the heat while boob window is here to impress men and even women during a fancy dinner or a party. Anyway, I really like this one too because normally the focus would be on the breasts and even the meme itself acknowledges it but unlike the former two, it was her insane and ripped physique which captured my attention first. Her deep 8 pack poking thought the clothing, her massive arms which could carry an adult man around like a king, her massive thighs pushing her dress dangerously high and how not only her breasts, but also her massive chest are stretching her top to the max. Sorry underboob outfit but looks like the hotpants are the main attraction here. :P Seeing those amazing abs makes me look forward to the day of a feat of strength involving them. Can probably skip the punching them with you fist or wooden bat ones and go straight for the serious equipment since they look impossible hard here. And dayum, those legs never fail to impress me. Not just their thickness and rippedness but also the sheer amount of power behind them. Since the furniture comic, we know they can literally replace a car jack by lifting a god damn truck, even if it is just for a few seconds and they are only getting stronger with each day. While I appreciate a clothed muscle woman just living her every day, I cannot deny that their nude state is still the best. Especially if it is such a good shoot by being that freaking close up and frontally too. The shown hourglass formed by her generous hips, thin but ripped waist and her massive chest but also the body builder shaming v body shape formed by the latter two are just magnificent. But my favourite part of this render is that cocky, teasing and divine smile. Jokes on you Hannah, but the viewer already won this round by seeing 95% of your upper body naked. :P This month keeps amazing me with more and more great content and still over a week left of it.