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Jeniffer is another girl we haven't seen in a while! Sure, she might not be as big as some of the other girls but I still think she's cute. Big brown eyes with a very lean body, can't go wrong there!

Working very hard on lots of stuff, but did want to post something like this so we don't forget that Jeniffer exists :)




A fantastic pin up set! You know between her chestnut brown hair, the red colours from her lingerie and bed and the coloured leaves in the pictures on the wall, I get some serious autumn feeling from this series … or maybe it’s just the autumn like weather outside of my window, giving me such thoughts. Anyway, it’s really nice to see her but also Ivana too again after 3 months since their shared comic debut has passed. While Hannah’s sisters help to fulfil the need for muscle girls in the main series too, the existence of Ivana and Jeniffer add some extra variety since Amy is a bit edge case with her being a mini giantess and being nearly impossible strong. But as big old softie, I definitely prefer Jeniffer over Ivana and that locker scene she and Hannah had is still one of my favourite scenes you have done so far. Funny how you mentioned her relatively small size since the last few weeklies and commissions did had rather big ladies but Jeniffer is still an utter amazon in my eyes. Every single render in this pin up series shows her covered in rock hard muscles which are nearly a match in both size and definition to Hannah and Ivana … who also looked a bit tiny compared to the more recent ladies to be fair. But well, I prefer their size range more and it’s not like this patreon has a shortage of content to satisfy the different size lovers with the sheer amount of stuff you put out every week and that for months already. And then those lovely curves! Spending a night in that bed must be heaven since her own weekly and the gym comic showed she knows how to perfectly use her immense strength and voluptuous body for maximum pleasure, no matter if you are a bunch of regular men or an amazon like Hannah. And damn, while all of these renders are great, the fourth one is my favourite here. A rock hard 8 pack, bulging massive biceps which only further perplex me when you called her small in the description, a huge pair of tits with diamond like nipples piercing thought them, her massive tree trunk thighs and with her lovely and beautiful face as cherry on the top. This render got nearly all of her features at once while being from up close.