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I'd say poor car.. but I think it found the best purpose possible!

Especially on this one: feedback is hugely appreciated!

I hope you guys enjoy it!




I like the concept of muscle mass influencing durability but in a situation like this it implies she literally weighs like 100x the weight of the car. I would rather a situation where she gets sent flying through a wall but isn’t particularly injured. Its less fantastical overall but still strongly implies she is extremely powerful pound for pound; but not in absolute terms.


Hmm. I don't entirely agree. Those safety bollards that block of areas for vehicle traffic weigh far less then a car. Yet it holds back a car easier. If she is standing firmly on her feet and he right leg is strong enough to to counteract the sideways force, even at such a steep angle, she'd stay standing.


Bollards are rooted into the floor while she isnt. In this situation if she actively braced I could be readily convinced she stops a car dead cold since one’s feet would dig into the pavement and I’d suspend disbelief but for this specific context I’m taken out a bit. That being said its a nitpick and i love the model.


i enjoyed this :) i liked the twist too :D


Feedback is always welcome. You are right ofcourse. It'd make more sense if her right leg was out more. Aah well, we'll attribute it to suspension of disbelief :)


Exactly. Like when you just throw a pen down on your desk or something because you're annoyed. Only in her case she casually destroys a car :)


What a great ending! Would love to hear the convo with the insurance adjuster.

Kim Danver

Magnificent, wonderful ! I love this kind of situation featuring a super woman with superhuman strength and invulnerability surpassing human mechanics. I still tremble with excitement ! The visual effects of crushed car are getting better and better especially on the second picture. I also loved the woman attitude : she acted as a human girl who was in a bad mood and just pissed by a reckless driver. It's one of your best mini comic. Just a note and always the same : the woman's upper body is super sexy and feminine, but her lower body lacks femininity, especially with this kind of shoes. If we only saw the legs, we would think it was a man. It would be better if she was doing the same with high heels or sexy sandals. ;-)

Pedro MG

more of her plz


How did you model a crashed car like that? It looks excellent.


Took a existing car model. Created the dents and folds in blender. Used them as morphs for Daz Studio. Rendered every image featuring the car twice, with and without glass (since the glass warps the light coming trough it). Removed the glass in a bit of a broken pattern then overlayed a broken glass texture to really shatter it. Then just added blur, smoke, flying glass and rubble for page 10 using photoshop.


Another fantastic weekly! It kinda reminds me of what I have said about that pool idea during the last weekly poll. On the first glance, a single sentence does not reveal much and it's just appeared like another feat of strength, one which would be far less impressive than what Amy, Hailey and Vanessa did in the weeks before but I honestly like this piece of work even more. That sentence just told us about a destruction of a single car but after actually seeing this weekly, it makes me kinda regret I did not vote for it and I'm glad April had 5 Fridays to squeeze it into it The fact she did not it even initiate this display of sheer strength and surprisingly durability too but rather did it out of revenge/spite/to lecture/pick your reason because that idiot drove his car into her is a great way to start it. Especially that second page, showing the front of the car with a deep cut into it is such an awesome picture. And not because something or rather someone hit it, no but because the car did it to itself by rushing into something nearly impossible durable like that women. And to make that picture even better, this woman just acts a bit surprised and then annoyed. No utter surprise at barely escaping with her life. No seething rage because of attempted manslaughter. Just a minimum amount of emotions which would belong to someone who has to deal with an annoying fly … but for her it might as well be true. Well I already gave you my feedback like the lack of visible damage to her pants, the front window of the car and even described my other favourite page which was her kick in page 9-10 so I will keep my comment short this time. It's probably a one time comic but I do hope we see more of this pairing.


Very nicely done. But I'm not really the friend of infinitely strong women. Would have preferred it here if she had stopped the car completely surprised with both arms. As if she would stand in front of it. Then with evil mine in her face she grabbend both fenders and pressed the engine slowly together. At next she would have painfully lifted the car off the ground and slammed it against the wall. Here the tail should go right to break completely. At last she lifted the man out of the car and speak a little word with him. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Patrick Schweigardt

I want to see where their relationship goes lol

Bernard Phillips

Ok, I loved this..and to be honest while I was reading it, that new geico commercial came on with the world's strongest man..well..just my imagination.?but what if she picked up that truck and smashed his car flat to the ground 🤔


Nice misdirect from Scary Super Amazon to Domestic Bliss. I loved it.


Loving girls are always better then evil scary amazons in my eyes :)


Enjoyed this very much a super girl meets and marries her love after destroying his car. Who is she have more with her.