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One of the things that I’m really grateful for is the patience and grace in which my patrons interact with me.  I am not always a pleasant person to deal with and I am definitely not punctual with replies.  Despite that, so many of you bear with me week after week and month after month.

I’m literally not that damn good to justify that kind of patience and grace.  I’m just not.

But here I am.  Here we are.

Thank you for that.

It is with that in mind, that I regret to inform you that I’m not in a good place right now and it hasn’t gotten any better.

My mental health has taken a serious decline.  Serious enough that I’m going to be in therapy for the first time in over a decade and am also revisiting my psychiatric options.  I’ve had a lot of bad thoughts in my head these last few months and I am approaching burnout and self-destruct.

To be clear: I am not self-harming or having suicidal ideations. I am in no immediate physical danger.  This is just a really bad case of anxiety and depression and I need to get it under control and I can’t do that AND write full time right now.  I just can’t.

So for my own health I am going to be taking at least a month off from Patreon. I’ve already canceled payments for August, I’m not going to charge people for content that isn’t coming.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’m sorry for the bad news. I hope to be back and find you all waiting when I return.  If not, that’s okay. That’s not on you.  It’s no one’s responsibility to support me or be patient with me.

But thanks for everything anyways.

Sincerely and sadly,



Hey, focus on your own wellbeing before putting the effort on your projects. Nothing wrong with that, I wish you well.


Make sure to take care of yourself!


Depression and anxiety is a helluva combo. Your health, everyone's health is important and of course that goes for therapy.