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This is a character that will introduce you to the world and you will spend all of Act 1 with her. If she follows you or not will depend on your choices. She will have some nude scenes and some sex scenes.

For her design I went fairly basic, she doesn't come from money, so I didnt want to give her expensive clothes. I might add some ornaments to make it look prettier. Most materials she uses will be leather and cloth.

So let me know! If you have any ideas for her design, hair color, style, eye color, clothing.

Also Names! Here are some I thought of: Ayla /  Saphielle /  Zilyana / Kaylin 



Dana Berg

She looks great


Saphielle is a good name. Cloth and leather is good for a character from the beginning. The red hair are great. She has a hood on her cloack of course. The jewels may be made with basic materials like iron, bronze, ...