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Hey everyone,

First of all, I have to thanks for everyone's love for my works and your continuous support. 

I have thought a lot about this problem and I think I have to do it sooner or later, and I decided to start it in the next year. To simply put, I won't be doing sequence works anymore. 

Since first time on patreon until now I always trying to do my best to give quality works as best as possible and I always wants to evolve. Because of that, I always train to be better in my spare time. Sometimes I also experiment new coloring technique in new works. And now, I've used more advanced technique and maybe it will be more complex in the future as I learn new things everytime I get new tutorial or observe my favorite illustrator's works.

From here comes a new problem. I can't use it on the sequence works. Because it needs more consistency and it's so hard to do it with my current technique. If you pay attention to my sequence works lately, you can tell the quality difference between beginning-ending illustration and the sequence in-between. That's because I use simple coloring in sequence and I felt bad for it. Well, actually I can do it for all but it takes more time and it's a tiring process. Don't get me wrong, I always love to do sequence since the first time on patreon. But for now It's like I'm in a complicated situation. I have to choose between to evolve or doing that I always do but being stagnant.

There are more reason I want to stop it. In summary it's because of stagnant quality, very hard, time consuming, feel forced, and currently I've lack creativity to do it.

I expect a significant drop from my decision, because Sequence is my signature works and many people knows me because of it. But I gotta follow my heart. I basically want to make art that doesn't make me feel forced and restrict my learning progress.

What's next?

  • I'll be tweaking some reward and Tiers
  • "Sequence" will be changed into "two before-after"
  • Adding one more "Single", but it's a piece that I want to draw (not from poll), Usually I'll draw my favorite characters or something that still hype. 
  • Creating a queue list for anyone who wants to get sequence free request or commission for the last time.
  • I'll make a Part 2 Post, listing in depth what's going to change.

Please stay tuned for the next part with update.

If you have more questions feel free to leave comment below. Or you can send me a private messages as well.

I truly appreciate all the patrons that have pledged me. Especially to those that have stayed with me for so long. Seriously, I couldn't have been able to create these artworks without your strong support.

Thank you for understanding.


Lunar Worx

I won't lie, that is a bummer. But likewise, an artist shouldn't have to feel like their craft is a burden. I understand where your coming from, and I'll still be a Patreon here. Will you ever do sequences on commission, at least?


I also going to stop it, but I'll open commission for sequence for the last time soon

Harsh Parikh

You probably won't read this, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm your Patreon for YOUR art. Not what I want your art to be. This wasn't meant to be a commission process where I was paying you for works that I was interested, it was an investment in the development of your artistic talent and just being able to witness its growth. What you wrote is exactly why I'm your patreon. I want to watch your art and art-style grow, if that means having to ditch sequences so that you can improve and grow, seems like a very small sacrifice. Either way, you keep doing whatever you feel is best for your artistic talents, I'm just happy that I can sit back and watch you grow for a small admission fee.